The Virus Marched
Mother sends a message
It had been under attack
For too long
Air poisoned, seas trashed
Forests wiped out
Distress calls and death
Of entire species
Shrugged off
Its warning shots
Of storms and droughts
And fires and floods
Of fury never seen
It had been under attack
For too long
And so
When the guards were dismissed
Decades of knowledge disdained
Fragility scoffed
It summoned its soldiers
And the virus marched
Oblivious to walls and bans
The virus marched
Unfazed by rabble and rallies and tweets
The virus marched
Immune to distortions and blame
The virus marched
Ignorant of power and privilege and race
The virus marched
Trampling the hollow foundations of hubris and greed
The virus marched
Until it could be mocked and ignored
And its power belittled
No more
The virus marched.